a gif acting as a link to my lgbtq page, it says made with pride

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a image that links to the html guide on w3schools a gif acting as a link to my linux page a image that links to neocities.org
the progress pride flag; multiple triangles on the left layered on each other pointing right, starting with a triangle colored with the intersex flag, followed by white, pink, blue, brown and black triangles. Under the triangles is the rainbow flag, it contains stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

About me

Hi my name is Aio

I am a swedish girl with many diffrent interests

I am polyamorus

I am pansexual

I am transfem and use she/they pronouns

I am autistic

My interests are mainly computer engineering but also design, music production, infrastructure architecthure, network administration and programming.